3M Peltor Comtac ACH DualComm - a version of the well-known active headset 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Single Comm for the simultaneous use of two walkie-talkies.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Image from http://www.nycaviation.com/newspage/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/15-JTACs.jpg

If you’ve been to a shooting range or a shooting range, you already know that passive headphones and ear plugs that mechanically block the sounds of shots that are harmful to our hearing, equally suppress not only them, but also any other environmental sounds. On the one hand, it’s good, because your hearing is under reliable protection in case of pulsed sounds (shots), on the other hand, it’s bad, because you do not legibly hear constant noises (neither environmental sounds, nor even the words of an instructor standing a meter away from you). Of course, you can remove and dress them every time you alternate shooting with communication, but in practice this is far from always the case. This problem becomes very relevant when you try to communicate with someone in the basement of the shooting range with its abundant echo, and against the background of someone continues to practice the exercises. I think it’s not worth talking about the combat situation, because shooting and explosions happen all the time there, and you simply are not able to predict when you will need to remove / wear passive protective devices. If you wear it all the time, you don’t hear anything, you don’t wear it at the moment of the explosion, and your hearing will be damaged. For this reason, there are active headphones and headsets that solve this problem.

The active 3M Peltor Comtac headsets and earphones are some of the most recognized and common devices used by the military and law enforcement around the world. They earned such popularity not by chance, and if you look at photos and reports with the participation of military units, special operations forces, police and federal agencies of the United States over the past few years, then their representatives will most likely use these headsets. De facto, 3M Peltor Comtac is the modern standard for quality and reliability in the world of hearing protection.

Due to its relevance, this line of headphones has a number of models designed for various usage scenarios. The role of the main “workhorse” in the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH line (the series optimized for comfortable wearing with Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) combat helmets) went to the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Single Comm - a headset with one microphone and a cable for connecting to one walkie-talkie, although in addition to it, in the same series there are also much less well-known 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm headphones with the following features.

- Protection against constant and impulse noise according to the requirements of the DA PAM 40-501 Army Hearing Conservation Program 2015 and the standards MIL-STD-810F, MIL STD 461E.
- Average attenuation of sound volume by 20 decibels.
- Active microphones with adjustable sensitivity to maintain sound and situational awareness while ensuring the proper level of hearing protection.
- Ability to work with two radios simultaneously.
- Noise canceling microphone with the ability to install on both sides of the headset.
- Compatibility with radio stations AN / PRC-148, AN / PRC-152, AN / PRC-117, AN / PRC-119 and others (when using the corresponding PTT and / or adapters).
- Duration of work is up to 500 hours.
- Power: 1.5V AAA (Alkaline, Ni-Mh) 2 pcs.
- Long-wearing comfort and integration with Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), Modular Integrated Communication Helmet (MICH), Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH), Ops-Core FAST Helmet, and Integrated Head Protection System (IHPS) helmets.
- Made in Sweden.
- Dimensions (when folded): 15 cm. X 15 cm. X 11 cm. (Width \ height \ depth).
- Dimensions (unfolded): 13 cm. X 19 cm. X 11 cm. (Width \ height \ depth).
- Weight: 418 g.

In today's review, we will take a closer look at the features of the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm headsets, although most of them are relevant for brothers designed for one walkie-talkie.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

According to the manufacturer’s website, the delivery package includes a headset with gel ear pads, two push-to-talk (PTT) remote buttons, batteries and a cloth bag for storage / transportation. Unfortunately, I got only the headphones themselves and two PTT. Not that I was very saddened by the lack of batteries, but I think that a storage bag would come in handy. I didn’t get the original packaging either, although I dare to suggest that, like in the case of many accessories delivered directly to the armed forces, there’s nothing to look at - a boring white cardboard or a transparent plastic bag, as was the case with the ESS Profile Pivot mask. It is understandable, because such things are bought by thousands of pieces and by no means because of the attractive appearance, but purely because of the performance characteristics of the device. For this reason, we proceed directly to acquaintance with the headphones themselves.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Like any other headphone, the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm consists of a headband and two cups. The headband here is made of sheet steel wrapped in a cover made of faux leather, which also hides the cable connecting the cups to each other. The steel sheet is springy, thereby ensuring reliable pressing of the cups to the user's head, along with adaptability to different head sizes. On both sides of the headband are wire guides.

The ear cups are made of thick plastic in Olive color. Between themselves, the cups and the headband are connected using plastic holders in which the axis of the cups is mounted. The holders can slide along wire guides located on both sides of the steel headband, which ensures height adjustment of the cups and a comfortable fit. Due to this feature, this is not one size fits all, as it might seem at first glance, but a completely adaptive design.

In addition, due to the flexible connections of the wire guides with the headband and cup holders, you can fold the cups inside the headband for transporting and storing the headphones. How it looks can be seen in the title photo of this publication.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

On the inner surface of the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm cups are gel ear pads with a shallow channel in diameter. Often, 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Single Comm headphones can be seen with simpler foam and leather substitutes. In contrast, gel pads are softer and more flexible, due to which they are better pressed to the head, take shape and cause much less discomfort with prolonged wear. The gel is not as stiff as foam rubber and it is clearly visible if you press the ear cup with your finger: the foam ear cup with leather substitute restores its original shape almost instantly, and the gel straightens out slower - hence wearing comfort, and a better fit, followed by blocking external noise.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Plastic holders on the front of the cups have special protrusions where the headset microphone is fixed. At the same time, these protrusions are symmetrical, which allows you to mount the microphone on both the left and right cups, depending on the wishes of the user. To prevent accidental damage, the protrusion where the microphone is not fixed now is covered with a special cap. This mounting method allows you to choose not only the microphone mounting side, but also completely disconnect the microphone, thereby turning the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm from the headset into active headphones, if necessary.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Immediately behind the cup holders are microphones of the active hearing protection system, which are responsible for the transmission of environmental sounds and situational awareness. The purpose of these microphones is to mediate between your eardrums and the environment, skipping sounds that are safe for your hearing in their original form, and modifying all sounds that exceed a safe level. Let their frontal arrangement not mislead you - these microphones are omnidirectional and transmit sounds according to their localization relative to you. The sounds of the environment you will hear exactly from where they come from.

According to the product specification, active microphones provide the following modifications for sounds of a specified frequency.

Foam Ear Pads

Frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000 NRR
Average Attenuation (dB) 13,6 17,7 28,8 31,9 32,3 39,3 39,9 42,1 41,4 23 Дб
Standard Deviation (dB) 2,6 2,5 2,7 1,9 1,5 4,1 2,3 2,6 2,5  

Gel ear pads

Frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 3150 4000 6300 8000 NRR
Average Attenuation (dB) 11,4 5,7 21.7 28,9 33,1 40,8 38,8 37,3 37,3 20 Дб
Standard Deviation (dB) 2,8 2,7 2,0 2,7 1,9 3,5 3,7 2,5 3,5  


3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Active microphones are closed in an independent circuit, for the operation of which two AAA (Alkaline, Ni-Mh) 1.5V batteries are used. In this case, you will need exactly the batteries, not the batteries (because the voltage of the batteries is usually lower, and is 1.2V). Batteries are placed in compartments in each of the cups, closed with a special lid equipped with a rubber sealing ring to protect against moisture and precipitation.

The second independent circuit is a circuit with a dynamic interphone microphone, which is responsible for working with the radio station. It turns on only when the headphones are connected to the radio station and power is supplied to it. The volume of the speaker speakers is controlled by the settings of the radio station itself, but we will return to the features of its work a little later.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

The sensitivity of the active environment microphones is adjusted using two buttons located at the bottom of the left earphone. With their help, you can activate the necessary mode for using microphones:


- Complete mute of surround microphones is a standard mute for transporting and storing headphones. In addition, it can be useful, for example, when connecting to vehicles intercoms. In this case, you will have the opportunity to communicate with other passengers using the radio circuit, and all sounds associated with the operation of the engine or the rotation of the rotor (like any other constant noise) will be blocked by the ear cushions of the headphones.
- Standard inclusion - hold both buttons simultaneously until a beep sounds to turn on active microphones in their standard state. After that, the front button is responsible for enhancing the sensitivity of the surround microphones, and the rear button is responsible for its attenuation. In total, there are three levels of sensitivity, which can be selected in accordance with the situation. If you want to hear more muffled sounds in the night, add sensitivity to the active microphones.
- Volume up mode - hold down the front volume button for 10 seconds. to activate headphones with an enhanced volume level.
- Balancing mode - simultaneously hold down the front and back volume buttons for 10 seconds. to adjust the balance between the left and right earphones using the front and back buttons.
- EQ mode - Hold and hold the back volume button for 10 seconds. to adjust the frequency of active microphones using the front and back buttons.

The headphones will automatically turn off after 2 hours of inactivity (from the moment you last pressed the buttons). You will be notified of an imminent automatic shutdown by two quick beeps. Press one of the sensitivity adjustment buttons to prevent automatic shutdown. After pressing the timer, the auto-off timer will reset to zero and the headphones will work for another 2 hours.


3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

On the back of each cup is a two-pin connector for connecting a dynamic microphone. Thanks to them, again, you can choose which cup to install it on, or completely disconnect it in case you do not need it at the moment. But with the cables for connecting to a radio station, this, unfortunately, will not work, because you have to think about how to fix them in situations where you do not have a radio station, but you still need active hearing protection (shooting gallery, riding in transport , work with heavy tools, etc.)

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

But the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm headphones are important not only, and not so much, in appearance, location of microphones and controls, but in the properties of electronic components associated with them. This is exactly the part that forms the lion's share of the value of this product. And do not think that an outwardly similar replica in appearance, of which we have more and more, will be able to overtake, or at least equal the original in terms of functional characteristics, as it is on electronics that all replica manufacturers save in the first place. From here, a constant noisy background appears when the headphones are activated, harmonics caused by the action of external magnetic fields, noise at high volume of the incoming signal and other defects. In the original 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm, these phenomena are minimized, which significantly reduces the discomfort during prolonged use. In addition, only high-quality electronic components can provide sound detection, localization, distance estimation, effective face-to-face communication, etc. without compromising perception.

To access the electronic filling, you will need to remove the ear cushions. There is nothing complicated, because for this you just need to slip your finger between the mesh lining of the cups and the plastic rim under the gel ear pads and pull it towards you. After that, your gaze will come across an overlay with a headphone speaker, and all other electronic components are already placed under it. Back ear pads are mounted in the same way, and you just press them firmly until the grooves in the cups are completely aligned.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

To once again emphasize the importance of electronic filling, in the photo above I placed next to the original 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm headphones and a replica of the Single Comm version from one of the airsoft manufacturers of the budget price segment. I think that only by closing two circuits into one high-quality speaker (instead of two independent ones), fewer components, one-piece wire connections, more technologically advanced circuit boards and their protection against weather and condensation, you can quickly tell where the original is in the picture, and where is the replica.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Together with the headphones in the 3M version of the Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm, two original Peltor push-to-talk (PTT) buttons are also available. Headphones are connected to them using two cables about 45 cm long with a Nexus Type U-174 / U connector. This is a standardized type of NATO connector used in the radio equipment and onboard communications systems of the Alliance. At the other end, the PTT buttons have a standard six-pin NATO connector.

Now, as promised, I will return to the features of the circuit responsible for working with radio equipment.

From the basic version of the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Single Comm headphone, the Dual Comm version differs not only in the presence of an additional cable for connecting a second remote button (PTT) and radio station, but also in some features. Firstly, unlike the basic version, the headphones are not stereo, and the sound of each radio station in mono mode is output only to the corresponding headphone. This is done so that when you receive an incoming signal you do not have to guess from which station it came from. If the sound is heard in the left earphone, then the signal comes from the station connected to it, if in the right, then, respectively, from the other. Thus, you immediately know which radio has received the signal and which station \ PTT you need to use to answer it.

With a microphone, the situation is a little different, because the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm has a single microphone and an outgoing signal through both cables at the same time, but whether it reaches the target correspondent is already determined by pressing the PTT button on the corresponding station. If the PTT button on the walkie-talkie is not clamped, then the signal will be cut off accordingly. If you simultaneously hold down the transmission buttons on both radio stations, then you will broadcast in two-way radios through one microphone. I do not know how popular this opportunity can be, but, nevertheless, it is present.

As for the intercom microphone, in the 3M Peltor Comtac series headphones they are dynamic, i.e. like the microphones responsible for transmitting ambient sounds, they adjust to the in-line noise level around you. To better understand why and how it works, imagine the following situation - you are in a relatively quiet space and begin to transmit on the radio. After a short broadcast time, while you are still holding the transmit button on your radio station, in the immediate vicinity you will hear some loud impulsive sound (clap, shot or explosion). As you already know, the volume level of the radio station itself is responsible for the volume level of incoming radio signals in the headphones, and your correspondent could easily turn the knob to hear your message better while it was still quiet near you. Accordingly, that sudden impulse sound that will be broadcast through your microphone may well damage the hearing of your correspondent. Static microphones would transmit it as it is, without any modifications, but the dynamic microphone lowers the volume of such noise to a level comfortable for hearing. As a result, the 3M Peltor Comtac ACH DualComm headphones protect not only your hearing, but also the hearing of your interlocutors, which, you see, is very pleasant.

But dynamic microphones have a downside. Many walkie-talkies are not adapted to work with them, due to a phenomenon called Impedance Problem. Because of it, you cannot use the original 3M headphones paired with budget Baofeng UV-5R radios like PTT from Z-Tactical, Element, Emerson and other airsoft brands of the budget price segment. You can listen to the radio, but your broadcast will be barely audible, or you will have to scream noisily in the hope that the correspondents will at least somehow hear you. But there are several ways out of this situation, which I will discuss in the next publication.

At the end of the review, I will add a few photos from the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm to the user.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

As I said, the headphones have a certain margin of vertical adjustment, which should not be forgotten. With it, you can achieve a comfortable fit of the headset without problems associated with excessive squeezing and wringing of the lobe or auricle. With prolonged wear, as you understand, this is of significant importance. Also, do not forget about the condensation of moisture inside the cups due to the tight fit, therefore it would not be superfluous to periodically remove / shift the headphones for ventilation, if there is a possibility and safe conditions.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

Also a few words about using the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm with other protective accessories. Most modern “combat” glasses of recognized brands (ESS, Oakley, Revision, 5.11, Smith's Optics, WileyX, Gators, etc.), like the ESS Rollbar with the photo above, already have flat arms designed specifically for better compatibility with active headphones and headsets. But even without them, the combination of glasses and headphones is quite comfortable due to the pressing of the ear pads. Gel ear pads, again, significantly outperform their foam counterparts in this matter, because take the required form much better.

3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm

There are also no problems with helmets, as most of them have special cutouts or extensions in the ear area, just for compatibility with active hearing protection devices. At the same time, the design of many modern helmets (OpsCore, Team Wendy, Crye Precision, etc.) provides for the possibility of adjusting the position of the damper cushions inside the helmet in such a way as to use the 3M Peltor Comtac III ACH Dual Comm both with the standard headband inside the helmet and with mounting the ear cups on the helmet rail using a special adapter.

At the moment, I like the option using the standard headband more, because allows you to leave hearing protection on yourself when removing the helmet and vice versa, making their bundle more independent and universal.

The 3M Peltor Comtac ACH DualComm headphones presented in the review were purchased at ballistic.com.ua.

Source: https://secretsquirrel.com.ua/snaryazhenie/obzor-naushnikov-3m-peltor-comtac-iii-ach-dual-comm/
Author: MAD